Gid & MoJo's Most Excellent European Vacation

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Hi everyone

Just got back into Surrey within the past hour. The Bus family doesn't leave our home until tomorrow so we're bunking at my folks place tonight. Right now it's about 6 AM Holland time. The boys and I didn't sleep a wink on the plane so we're all a little groggy and heading off to bed real soon.

I've got about a week of blogging to catch up on which I will do over the next couple of days. The blog is our own journal of the trip as well as a way of comunicating and sharing pictures with those of you that don't live it will be completed.

Feel free to keep checking back. Hope you're enjoying reading it as much as I enjoy telling you about it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scott, I'm so glad that you and family have returned home safely. Sounds like you've all had the 'time of your lives' visiting such special places, with awesome people. Thanks so much for writing your adventures for the the rest of us....I for one visualized your treks vicariously! MARY.

7:30 AM  

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